Vol. 10 (2024): Vol. 10 (2024): post(s) 10

Insurgent iInterventions in the social upheaval in Plaza de la Dignidad: visual and political “Marañas”

Pablo Hermansen Ulibarri
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Roberto Fernández Droguette
University of Chile

Published 2024-12-02


  • insurgent interventions,
  • social outbreak,
  • Maraña,
  • Plaza de la Dignidad,
  • photo-ethnography

How to Cite

Hermansen Ulibarri, P., & Fernández Droguette, R. (2024). Insurgent iInterventions in the social upheaval in Plaza de la Dignidad: visual and political “Marañas”. Post(s), 10(1), 162–183. https://doi.org/10.18272/post(s).v10i1.3106


Considering the complexity of the social uprising in Chile and its visual expressions in the public space, in this paper we analyze photo-ethnographic material produced in the surroundings of Plaza de la Dignidad using the notion of Maraña. This approach aims to account for this complexity and the dimensions that are expressed within it, adopting an insurgent modality of public space transformation and challenging traditional ways of interpreting and understanding the phenomenon.


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