Vol. 10 (2024): Vol. 10 (2024): post(s) 10

Sucúa Haven: Inhabiting the border between practices, territories and identities

Vanessa Terán

Published 2024-12-02


  • transmigration,
  • identity,
  • belonging,
  • representation,
  • photography

How to Cite

Terán, V. (2024). Sucúa Haven: Inhabiting the border between practices, territories and identities. Post(s), 10(1), 206–225. https://doi.org/10.18272/post(s).v10i1.3104


Sucúa Haven is a photographic project that exists at the intersection of anthropology and art, between Ecuador and the United States, and between fiction and non-fiction. Using methodo- logies from both social research and art, it reflects on the present experiences, memories, and dreams of a community composed mainly of Ecuadorians living in the state of Connecticut.


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