Believe in beasts, believe in objects
Published 2022-12-15
- animism,
- material culture,
- ethnography of the non-human,
- field diary,
- documentary object theater
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Copyright (c) 2022 Shaday Larios
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
This text is a dialogue between two field diaries, both wondering about creative ways of conceiving and writing an anthropology focused on researching the powers of the non-human. One is the notebook of the French anthropologist Nastassja Martin, transformed into a book: In the Eye of the Wild (2021). The other is mine. Our perceptions changed from a theorized animism towards an embodied, intensely lived animism; she, bitten by a bear during field work in the Russian forests, and me, touched by encounters with communities of the dead and affective experiences through the memory of objects. The bite of the beast has a resonance with the bite of things, an incision that disrupts our ways of knowing the world.
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