Vol. 1 (2015): post(s) 1

Contra el tiempo. The documentary as inquiry

Armando Salazar
Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Published 2015-08-01


  • Documentary,
  • sport,
  • time,
  • body,
  • black and white

How to Cite

Salazar, A. (2015). Contra el tiempo. The documentary as inquiry. Post(s), 1(1). https://doi.org/10.18272/posts.v1i1.244


Contra el tiempo is the title of this photographic essay and the series that will come out at the end of the process. It occurred to me one day and for me it is an idea that summarizes what sports practice is: a fight against the passage of time and the traces it leaves on the body. It is also an idea that summarizes my photographic practice, not only because I fight against time when capturing the image, but because I feel that I am in a creative and vital moment where things should accelerate a little more; for now my reflexes are, my lucidity is and my body is. 


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