The Jungle of Calais: Between Liminality, Borderland, and place of possibilities
Published 2021-11-15
- Liminality,
- The Jungle,
- (post)colonial,
- decolonial,
- artistic methodologies
- ethnographic poetry ...More
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This essay is based exclusively on artistic and pseudo ethnographic research of The Jungle migrant camp in 2016 in the city of Calais/France at the maritime border with England. Through my experience in situ, described through artistic methodologies and poetic writings, I embraced the concept of liminality from a border perspective, going through postcolonial actions and attitudes within the conceptual liminality framework and its transformative, destructive, constructive and In-betweenness characteristics that this ritualistic process entails. From my perspective as an artist and future anthropologist, I am interested in highlighting local frontier narratives that need to be present in our reflection for a more supportive, collaborative and communitarian future, decolonizing our way of perceiving "peripheral" places and contemporary borderland, incor-
porating them as active agents in the city"™ s development.
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