Vol. 1 (2015): post(s) 1

Report with serious games: their potential and limitations for journalism today

Eric Samson
Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Published 2015-08-01


  • serious games,
  • journalism,
  • interactivity,
  • communication,
  • data,
  • engagement
  • ...More

How to Cite

Samson, E. (2015). Report with serious games: their potential and limitations for journalism today. Post(s), 1(1). https://doi.org/10.18272/posts.v1i1.239


Even if intensely used by governments, private companies and NGOs at international level, the "Serious Games" are practically absent of the daily routine of the Ecuadorian media. This study seeks to evaluate the implementation of "Serious Games" in local redactions, despite their cost, production rhythm and the lack of specialized personal in Ecuador, analize their possible uses and in general sensibilize the local journalists, editors and faculty to this new narrative format.


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