About the Journal


ISSN: 1390-9797

URL: https://posts.usfq.edu.ec

Focus and reach

post(s) is an annual publication of the College of Communication and Contemporary Arts of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. It reflects on discussions and debates that take place within and between the communicational and artistic fields, both locally and regionally and internationally.

The thematic interests of post(s) are developed between the members of the Editorial Committee and guest editors, which are invited to collaborate with the publication. Each edition emphasizes on professional, artistic and academic praxis -creation is an agglutinating axis of this publication. post(s) publishes academic research texts, and also experimental and performative forms of writing and knowledge production.

The articles are published in Spanish and/or English. In addition, in each issue, there are translations of texts that circulate only in English, and because its relevance to the issue of the edition, the Editorial Committee considers it essential to publish in Spanish and share it within an Spanish-speaking context.

The main audiences of the publication are academic communities interested in post disciplinary research, and a wider public interested in understanding the transformations of contemporary society, seen from a perspective related to critical theories, cultural studies and cultural criticism.

Publishing frequency

post(s) is published once every year in December in print and digitally. Both formats have free access.

Magazine policies

post(s) asks for and publishes articles on empirical and theoretical research, as well as conceptual reflections about professional and creative practices. Each edition proposes a thematic axis whose relevance in contemporary society allows an approach from formal academic writing as well as through creative and artistic activities, it"™s a bridge between theory and praxis.

Each volume is composed of four sections: Akademos, Radar, Link, Videre and Praxis.

Guidelines for each section

Free access policies

post(s) has an open access policy. All articles are immediately available for free after their publication. Articles can be found and downloaded at https://revistas.usfq.edu.ec/index.php/posts/i. If shared, we ask for the proper citations following the recommendations located at the beginning of each article.   

post(s) is a non profits publication, fully funded by Universidad San Francisco de Quito.

post(s) adheres to the Declaración de México a favor del ecosistema Latinoamericano de Acceso Abierto No Comercial

Submission policies

post(s) has an open access policy and it is not a for-profit publication. Therefore, there is no monetary charge for the submission and publication of articles. Information for authors that want to propose an article is available in the section Guide for Authors.

Verification of originality

The Editorial Committee at post(s) verifies the originality of the articles using Turnitin, an anti plagiarism software that evaluates the article doing a similarity percentage comparison with other articles published online.

Evaluation policies

For article selection, the Editorial Committee of post(s) puts texts through an evaluation and arbitrage process done via blind peer review. All articles must be original, unpublished and must not be simultaneously evaluated by other publication. The estimate time between reception (January-June) and publication (December) is 8 months.

Broadly speaking, the evaluation process is the following:

Articles are received via the OJS platform within a timeframe established by the annual call for papers. Submissions must respect the publication norms of the magazine (APA style) and authors must accept the conditions of the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Submissions are firstly reviewed by the Editorial Committee and, if considered adequate to the proposed theme and adjusted to the norms set by the magazine, they pass on to peer review. The Editorial Committee has the right to turn down articles considered not pertinent. Originality, pertinence to the call, clarity in expression, methodological discussion, results, conclusions and reflections that the article proposes or sparks will be held in consideration.

Accepted articles are sent to readers for the blind peer review process. Readers will be academics external to the Committee with knowledge of the proposed theme. Anonymously they will determine if the article is:

Delivery time for results may vary according to the volume of texts received. Authors will get process updates and answers regarding the decisions taken by the evaluators. In case of discrepancies between both evaluators, articles will be sent to a third one. Once discrepancies have been cleared, decisions will not be subject to appeals. Deadlines to make corrections/modifications will be evaluated with each author. Once the correction deadline expires, articles are sent for style and design correction.

Collaboration conditions

More information in the section Author Guidelines.

Editorial process

Copyright and intellectual property

post(s) is a publication of the College of Communication and Contemporary Arts of Universidad San Francisco de Quito and USFQ Press. Authorship rights are property of the authors of each article.

All the content of the publication, except when indicated otherwise, is published under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Commercial use of the publication or of its possible spin off works is forbiden. Every article must be cited using the recommendation of the citations label. This is a summary and not a substitute of the license. To read all the details regarding terms and conditions of the current license, visit this link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode

Archive policies

 post(s) is preserved in the digital repository and in the library of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. The complete collection of the magazine is uploaded in PDF format in the magazine accounts in Academia and www.archive.org.

Additionally, this magazine uses the LOCKSS system for conservation and restoration purposes.

Author Self-Archiving Policy

This journal allows and encourages authors to publish articles submitted to the journal on their personal websites or in institutional repositories, both before and after the publication in this journal, as long as they provide bibliographic information that certifies the publication in this journal.

Ethics code in research and publication

post(s) is subject to the Honor and Coexistence Code of the Universidad San Francisco de Quito with emphasis on the Title II: Research and Creation Ethics where researchers rights and responsibilities are detailed, along with conflict resolution protocols. https://www.usfq.edu.ec/sobre_la_usfq/codigo_de_honor/Documents/codigo_honor.pdf

post(s) shares the principles of the Declaration on Research Assessment, DORA

About the authors

To participate in the editorial processes of post(s), it is expected that, previously to the proposal submission, authors:

About peer evaluation

To participate in the editorial processes of post(s) as peer evaluators, its is expected that reviewers or evaluators:

About the Editor and the Editorial Committee

The editorial team at post(s) is the first evaluation filter for all proposals. Their first review determines the acceptance, revision or rejection of submissions. Additionally, the editorial team is in charge of selecting peer evaluators for each article. Guest editors, together with the editorial team, determine the themes for each issue. The Editorial Committee guarantees the quality of the magazine, share the call for papers and oversee compliance with the magazine´s policies.