Public policy and the New York convention: What does it tell us about the denial of enforcement of an arbitral award?
Arbitration, arbitral award, execution, recognition, public policy, arbitrability, New York conventionAbstract
Among the seven grounds established by the 1958 New York Convention to deny the recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award is the “public policy” objection. This ambiguous concept, which has proven problematic on more than one occasion, must be analyzed under Articles V(2)(a) and V(2)(b) of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (hereinafter ‘the Convention’). As these grounds can be invoked ex officio, and considering the authority gained by this international instrument, this essay aims to delve into an issue of Private International Law to answer the question: Which public policy should we adhere to when reviewing the enforceability of an arbitral award? Thus, it will analyze how the international community has interpreted and resolved these issues, looking towards jurisprudence and legislation of both common law and civil law systems.
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