The application of an objective standard for the quantification of reputational damage in influencers


  • Daniela Endara Universidad San Francisco de Quito
  • Diego Jaramillo Universidad San Francisco de Quito
  • Andrea Beltrán Bonilla Universidad San Francisco de Quito



Reputacional damage, Honor, Quantification, Influencers, Social Networks, Objective standard, Non-exhaustive, Affectation, Indemnities


This work is based on the need to establish if objectively reputational damage is produced through social networks, due to the lack of suitable regulations in Ecuador. First of all, it is stated what reputational damage is and what it means. Then, when the damage is occurs as such, what would be the affectation that it may have especially in influencers because the basis of their economic income is based on social networks. Due to the judicial arbitration that exists in Ecuador, an objective system of quantification of reputational damages is proposed, which can be applied to influencers when they suffer such damage. The system that is proposed in this work is based on the regulations already present in Ecuador, which is scarce and does not fully cover what can happen with such damage. Similarly, we consider regulations of certain countries such as Argentina, Colombia, and Spain to propose the objective quantification and that in a certain way allows the compensation of damages caused by the affectation of the reputation of an influencer.


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How to Cite

Endara Bastidas, Daniela, et al. “The Application of an Objective Standard for the Quantification of Reputational Damage in Influencers”. USFQ Law Review, vol. 9, no. 2, Nov. 2022, doi:10.18272/ulr.v9i2.2748.


