Arbitrability on Tax Matters Under the New Fiscal Sustainability Law


  • Felipe Castro Zurita Universidad San Francisco de Quito
  • Santiago Cisneros Universidad San Francisco de Quito



objective arbitrality, tax obligations, tax arbitration, transigibility


The new Fiscal Sustainability Law, enacted due to the economic crisis Ecuador currently undergoes, introduces a new, innovative figure in Tax Law: transigibility of tax obligations in certain scenarios. The objective arbitrability criteria in the Ecuadorian legislation is the transigibility of the dispute. The present article analyses if the transigibility of tax obligations enables its arbitrability. The work contains a study of objective arbitrability and its application in Ecuador considering transigibility in regards of public administration. Likewise, it contains a systematic interpretation of the legal system in light of the new Law. Furthermore, it observes the intention of the law and how this, along with the systematic view, allows tax arbitration. Finally, it concludes with which scenarios of those determined in the new Law, could be solved by arbitration.


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How to Cite

Castro Zurita, Felipe, and Santiago Cisneros. “Arbitrability on Tax Matters Under the New Fiscal Sustainability Law”. USFQ Law Review, vol. 9, no. 1, July 2022, pp. 161-77, doi:10.18272/ulr.v9i1.2591.




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