Killer Robots: Reality or Fiction?

Autonomous Weapons Systems in the Context of International Humanitarian Law


  • Diego Martín Chávez Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ (Quito, Ecuador)
  • Camila Cruz García Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ (Quito, Ecuador)
  • Paula Andrea Herrera Jaramillo Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ (Quito, Ecuador)



autonomous weapon, armed conflict, ; international humanitarian law, responsibility, means, methods, contemporary challenges


There has been an accelerated development of autonomous weapon systems over the years. These systems, its use and functionality, are not regulated by International Humanitarian Law (hereafter "IHL"). Therefore, it is a necessity to establish a legal framework based on conventional norms, principles and customary law, in order to determine if its use is covered by IHL. In this regard, it will be assessed if this type of weapons comply with the principle of distinction, precaution and proportionality. Secondly, an analysis about the possible promotion of impunity regarding the commitment of international crimes by these weapons will be studied. Thirdly, other means and methods will be studied, and, finally, the challenges presented by autonomous weapons in the present framework of IHL and its evolution will be studied. Considering the risks that these weapons impose on civilian population and civilian objects, its regulation, be it prohibition or restriction, is inherent. In reality, only time will tell if autonomous weapons comply with the legal framework of IHL.


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How to Cite

Chávez, Diego Martín, et al. “Killer Robots: Reality or Fiction? Autonomous Weapons Systems in the Context of International Humanitarian Law”. USFQ Law Review, vol. 6, no. 1, Aug. 2019, pp. 12-28, doi:10.18272/lr.v6i1.1405.


