Scope and Opportunity of Equity and Ex Aequo et Bono Arbitrations within the Ecuadorian Legal System
arbitration, equity, ex aequo et bono, scope, opportunity, arbitral due processAbstract
Equity arbitration, also known as ex aequo et bono, has not been satisfactorily developed in Ecuadorian laws and judicial precedents. This has encouraged authors to advocate diverse and complex theories about its scope and opportunity. However, those doctrines have not been efficiently systematized to reach a global understanding of the matter. Arbitrators have the ability to issue awards according to their knowledge and understanding, a right that different experts have attempted to limit for several years. In this way, equity arbitration presents several questions because of the inaccuracies founded on its name, its relationship with other formal sources of law, and its applicability to the procedural aspect of the arbitration and substantial decision of the award.
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