Rudolf Carnap: the end of philosophy, the end of the theory of knowledge




Rudolf Carnap, René Descartes, metaphysics, pseudo-proposition, lógic, meaning, sintax, science, theory of knowledge, Martin Heidegger


Since its birth, philosophy has been considered as the foundation of all other sciences. The systems of metaphysical philosophy have tried to provide the epistemological method to all particular disciplines. However, metaphysics as a model of knowledge has been both defended and criticized, prized and despised. The author shows how metaphysics in the hands of Rudolf Carnap, through logic, receives another fatal blow to the point that it is reduced to a set of fictitious ideas. In this way it is argued that there is no place for philosophy unless it is the analysis of language.


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How to Cite

Espinoza, . K. (2022). Rudolf Carnap: the end of philosophy, the end of the theory of knowledge. Ánima, 2.


