Female Body and Nature in Juana de Ibarbourou's Raíz salvaje


  • Daniela Páez Hervas Estudiante




poetry, feminist criticism, ecocriticism, nature, body, self-consciousness


This essay suggests an interpretation of Juana de Ibarbourou"™s Raíz salvaje (1922) that addresses feminine poetic voices and their relationship with nature, in an attempt to determine in which way this last element allows her to see herself as a self-conscious being. Using feminist literary criticism and ecocriticism, the analysis of three poems proposes that nature is a tool in the self-recognition and construction of the feminine subject. In this way, the essay indicates that Ibarbourou"™s poetry includes feminine poetic voices that, contrary to what is proposed in traditional interpretations, are filled with sensuality, desire, self-questioning and will to build oneself in an autonomous way.


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How to Cite

Páez Hervas, D. (2021). Female Body and Nature in Juana de Ibarbourou’s Raíz salvaje. Ánima, 1. https://doi.org/10.18272/anima.v1i.2258


