Piedra de Sol: A Reading from the perspective of Emotions





Poetic language, lyrical speaker, female body, object of desire, desire, fear, cyclical character


This work proposes a new reading of the famous poem by Octavio Paz, Piedra de Sol. This text investigates an emotional perspective based on the premises of some philosophers who delved into the topic. The investigation makes an analysis of the emotional object and the lyric object on all artwork. Permits a new interpretation of the most important elements of the text and with the relevance of the desire and the fear as prevailing emotions into the poem, as well as the justification for its cyclical nature.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Armas, G. (2021). Piedra de Sol: A Reading from the perspective of Emotions . Ánima, 1. https://doi.org/10.18272/anima.v1i.2140


