The Past in the Present: The work of Edgar Negret and Eduardo Ramírez-Villamizar


  • Luisa Castellanos Estudiante



Pre-Columbian Art, Geometric Abstraction, Pre-Columbian makers, Colombian Art, Latin American Art


During the 20th Century, Art History of Colombian and Latin-American Art took charge of revising the work of artists Edgar Negret and Eduardo Ramírez-Villamizar, from abstraction to the important changes their geometrical language generated in the Colombian artistic scene. However, despite it being a recurrent theme in his painting, titles and discourses, the interest of these artists for the Pre-Columbian art has been secondary. This proposal thus seeks to analyze the way in which Negrete and Ramírez- Villamizar faced the Pre-Columbian artifacts and how this legacy is reflected in their works. Confirming that, through geometry and materials, the Colombian artists seek to reconnect the Pre-Columbian past with the modern present, building a bridge that allows the Pre-Columbian to be incorporated in Modern Art and considered as a source for coming artists.


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How to Cite

Castellanos, L. (2021). The Past in the Present: The work of Edgar Negret and Eduardo Ramírez-Villamizar. Ánima, 1.



Art History