Information for Authors


Any person can participate as author in USFQ Law Review publications. There is more information available about the Authorship Policy.


The reception of articles is continuous: calls for papers open, for the first issue of each volume, in October of each year, and close in January of the following year. For the second issue, calls for papers open in February, and close in May. However, papers are also received during the whole year in order to be selected in the immediately following call. The first issue of each volume is published in May, and the second in October. There is more information available about dates in our Announcements.

Publication Process

All papers received by USFQ Law Review follow the Publication Process described in the corresponding section.

Articles"™ Publication Criteria

USFQ Law Review publishes legal research papers that meet the following publication criteria:

  1. Relevance and innovation of the legal problem addressed.
  2. Argumentative and critical content.
  3. Sufficiency in the research and proper use of academic sources.
  4. The format, structure, and citation system detailed in the USFQ Law Review's Guide for Authors.
  5. Minimum length of 5,000 words and maximum length of 35 pages of content.
  6. The paper must not have been previously published nor being considered for publishing.

These criteria will be considered by the double-blind peer review system and the Editorial Committee during the editorial process. Editorial Directors take the discretionary and motivated decision regarding whether the paper is publishable or not.

Authors may decide:

  • The number of authors of the paper.
  • The subject, matter and area of "‹"‹the legal problem addressed in the paper.
  • The language employed (Spanish/English).

Author's Guide

Papers must comply with the guidelines of the USFQ Law Review Guide for Authors -that is based in The Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition citation system- and must be contained in an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or Word Perfect file format. Papers mut have: (a) title, name of the author(s), institutional affiliation, postal address and email address; (b) abstract and keywords in English; (c) title, abstract and keywords in Spanish; (d) introduction; (e) analysis of the content; (f) conclusions; and, (g) bibliographic references.

Author's Guide (view)

Author's Guide (download)


Before the first submission and all submissions following the paper"™s edition, authors are responsible for making sure that the article, the file containing it and all annexes to the submission do not contain information that could allow their identification. This requirement seeks to ensure an anonymous evaluation throughout the Publication Process. To anonymize their submissions, authors must follow all the procedures detailed in the Instructions for Protection of Anonymity, as well as all additional procedures considered necessary to maintain their identity anonymous till the phase of edition for publication. In order to subsequently provide complete information regarding their identity, the authors must follow the Editorial Committee"™s specific instructions during the aforementioned phase of edition for publication.

Anonymity Protection Instructions (download)

Article Submission Process

In order to assure quality standards, as well as an impartial process, USFQ Law Review receives papers anonymously, following the author"™s submission through the Open Journal Systems (OJS). Additionally, authors must submit their papers via Google Forms, in order to store their work in case of potential failures of the OJS.

OJS (link)

Google Forms (link)

The following handbooks contain the guidelines for both submission procedures:

Handbook for the submission of papers through OJS (download)

Handbook for the submission of papers through Google Forms (download)


USFQ Law Review does not charge any type of fee to authors or readers.

  • Paper submission fee: US$0.00
  • Paper processing fee: US$0.00
  • Publication fee: US$0.00
  • Readers"™ subscription fee: US$0.00

Other Policies

For the remaining USFQ Law Review policies relevant to the author, refer to the sections regarding About The Journal, Code of Ethics, Publication Process, Submission, and Copyright Policy.