On the nature of the indivisibility of an obligation: Is it truly possible to divide a performance?


  • Álvaro Martínez Almeida AVL Abogados




obligation, indivisible obligation, legal indivisibility, impossibility to divide performance, regime of obligations


Ambitious. Adventurous. Perhaps even controversial. This article aims to revive a discussion that, in the author’s view, is not entirely resolved. This viewpoint is based on the premise that the analysis of the indivisibility of an obligation refers to the thing itself, not the performance. To achieve this, it is necessary to examine the historical origin of this concept. Within this context, and considering the current Ecuadorian legal framework, it is worth questioning whether it is possible to divide the performance, the object of an obligation. This article supports the thesis that the object of an obligation is, by nature, indivisible, notwithstanding the fact that the same obligation may encompass multiple distinct performances related to the same thing. Far from being a purely theoretical discussion, adopting this stance carries significant practical consequences. Among them, even the existence of certain types of obligations would be questionable.


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How to Cite

Martínez Almeida, Álvaro. “On the Nature of the Indivisibility of an Obligation: Is It Truly Possible to Divide a Performance?”. USFQ Law Review, vol. 10, no. 2, Oct. 2023, doi:10.18272/ulr.v10i2.3033.


