Dispute boards in Latin America: resolution of infrastructure disputes


  • Juan Pablo Gómez Moreno Universidad de los Andes




dispute resolution, infrastructure projects, Alternative methods of dispute solution, dispute boards, Latin America


Infrastructure projects are essential for the development of societies, as they have a direct impact on access to several basic rights. Construction is a key industry for the implementation of these projects, but its complexity often generates disagreements among main actors, which can result in high levels of litigation and costs in time and money. For this, alternative dispute resolution methods have gained momentum in the region. Among them, dispute resolution boards have stood out as a successful alternative. However, their implementation in Latin America has been slow and there are challenges that must be addressed to improve their effectiveness.

This article examines the characteristics of these alternative mechanisms and highlights their benefits in managing conflicts in infrastructure projects. The critical factors and challenges for their implementation in the region are also analyzed. Lastly, this research presents some best practices for the application of these instruments, which are a promising alternative for the efficient resolution of disputes in infrastructure projects in Latin America. However, proper execution of these contractual tools requires greater commitment from key actors —such as regulatory agencies— to implement them and improve their effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Gómez Moreno, Juan Pablo. “Dispute Boards in Latin America: Resolution of Infrastructure Disputes ”. USFQ Law Review, vol. 10, no. 2, Oct. 2023, doi:10.18272/ulr.v10i2.3023.


