The Regulation of Crowdfunding in Ecuador

A Commitment to the Capitalization of Ideas through Web Platforms


  • Mario Alberto Cedeño Andrade Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ (Quito, Ecuador)



Collective financing, crowdfunding, investors, promoters, platforms, regulation, risks


Until the last decade, financing mechanisms for the development of initiatives, with or without profit, have been framed in the financial and stock markets. The restrictions and complexities that these traditional alternatives entail have resulted in the materialization of a new mechanism, called crowdfunding, which emerges as a market solution to the problem of lack of access to financing. Through this route, multiple investors contribute, together, the necessary capital to carry out a project as a donation or exchange of a consideration that will depend on the type of crowdfunding. The accelerated growth of this mechanism has caused its regulation in some legislations, to which Ecuador has joined. These regulations, right in some cases and misguided in others, carry a direct causality regarding the success or failure of this new mechanism in each country in which it is established. For this reason, the purpose of this article is to analyze the regulation of crowdfunding in Ecuador in comparison with foreign legislation, to show whether or not it favors the existence of this new mechanism in the country.


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Author Biography

Mario Alberto Cedeño Andrade, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ (Quito, Ecuador)

Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, estudiante del Colegio de Jurisprudencia


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How to Cite

Cedeño Andrade, Mario Alberto. “The Regulation of Crowdfunding in Ecuador: A Commitment to the Capitalization of Ideas through Web Platforms”. USFQ Law Review, vol. 7, no. 1, Sept. 2020, pp. 31-51, doi:10.18272/ulr.v7i1.1743.


