The Causes of Nullity of Double Impact

Exceptions to the Principle of Separability of the Arbitration System


  • Vika Mikaela Lara Taranchenko Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ (Quito, Ecuador)



Arbitration, autonomy of will, separability, nullity, underlying contract, base contract, arbitral agreement, vices, incapacity


As a general rule, the separability principle is applied when grounds to set aside an arbitral award affects the validity of the contract and the arbitration agreement. This principle supports that both contracts are two independent and autonomous contracts, so that the nonexistence or invalidity of one does not affect the other. In certain cases, the volitional element for the acceptance of booth the underlying contract and the arbitration agreement is manifested by a single act and can be vitiated by a cause of nullity that affects both contracts. Consequently, the causes of nullity of double impact, so called because they simultaneously affect the underlying contract and the arbitral agreement, make the principle of separability not of absolute application. Therefore, this paper aims to analyze the application of the principle of separability in the causes of nullity of double impact and determine the legal consequences that result in arbitration and ordinary justice.


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Author Biography

Vika Mikaela Lara Taranchenko, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ (Quito, Ecuador)

Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, estudiante del Colegio de Jurisprudencia


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How to Cite

Lara Taranchenko, Vika Mikaela. “The Causes of Nullity of Double Impact: Exceptions to the Principle of Separability of the Arbitration System”. USFQ Law Review, vol. 7, no. 1, Sept. 2020, pp. 159-80, doi:10.18272/ulr.v7i1.1739.


