Med-arb, Arb-med and Arb-med-arb in Light of Ecuadorian Legislation
Med-arb, arb-med, arb-med-arb, mediation, arbitration, ADRAbstract
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms arise in response to society"™s need to find means other than litigation for the resolution of their disputes. To harmonize the advantages of mediation and arbitration, some legal cultures have developed med-arb, arb-med and arb-med-arb. This article seeks to analyze the possible implementation of these mechanisms in Ecuador. For this purpose, the present article studies, in the first place, the figures of mediation and arbitration in the Ecuadorian legislation. In the second place, through a comparative analysis, it identifies the legislations that have contemplated such alternative mechanisms. Finally, the article determines the possibility of implementing these methods in Ecuador. After making these precisions, it will be possible to conclude that the principle of freedom of choice, contemplated in the LAM, is not always guaranteed when it comes to ADR.
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