The Sense of Justice in Disgrace. Empathy as a Bridge Between Law and Literature


  • Erica Baum Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Justice, Emotions, Desire, Empathy, Law, Literature


In this paper I explore how the sense of justice has been built in Disgrace, the literary work published in 1999 by South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee, Nobel Prize of Literature in 2003. My purpose is to make visible different levels of judgment that take place in the text: i.e., ethical, moral and legal. To this end, I will consider the cognitive perspective of justice and emotions; the subject, an object of judgment, is regarded as an autonomous being that is capable of making value judgments about their own feelings, and of making crucial decisions for social life.


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Author Biography

Erica Baum, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Universidad Nacional de La Plata


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How to Cite

Baum, E. (2016). The Sense of Justice in Disgrace. Empathy as a Bridge Between Law and Literature. Iuris Dictio, (18).


