Abogado y Doctor en Jurisprudencia por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Diplomado Superior en Manejo de Conflictos por la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María y Universidad de las Américas, Máster en Derecho, Empresa y Justicia por la Universität de Valencia, España. Profesor en la Universidad San Francisco de Quito, árbitro y mediador.
Some particular issues are included since 1929 within the Ecuadorean constitutions and they show the normative tendency that has to do with regulation and control of the economy where even though the debate among constitutional economic model and constitutional economic system is not absent as well the relationships between private corporations and public ones. The essence of the constitutionalization of the economy is to obtain equilibrium among the state intervention with the defense of citizen rights. Unfortunately, many rights have the burden of the state intervention in the name of general interest or public interest.
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