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No. 24 (2019)

Consumer Defense in Ecuador. Against International Protection Principles

June 14, 2019


The Organic Law for Consumer Defense, which was enacted in the year 2000, and has been in force until the present day, establishes a framework for consumer rights protection in Ecuador. By enshrining such rights in the constitution, there appeared to be a strong basis for their defense. However, the law that ensures rights and penalizes infractions does not reflect international principles and guidelines on the subject matter. Despite being recognized in the constitution, more and more conflicts are generated on these issues with each passing day. Since the last reform that was introduced through the Organic Law of the Ombudsman, which was enacted on May 6, 2019, eliminates the special procedure that had been detailed in the law. This leads to new procedural challenges that must be resolved by competent judges, thereby separating the country even further from international standards.

viewed = 1939 times


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