Milei in Argentina freedom advances and populism is renewed

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Mathew Valencia Casa


In the following text, the political history of Argentina is approached with a particular focus on Peronism as a transcendental populist phenomenon that has shaped the country's trajectory as it marked local development and profoundly influenced the evolution of Argentine society, establishing the social and political bases that have persisted in the national context to the present day. The analysis extends to the present, examining the political discourse of Javier Milei, a contemporary character who has emerged strongly in the Argentine political scene. The complexities of his rhetoric are also explored, as elements very close to populism are evidenced, in spite of proclaiming to be contrary to it. Thus, it ranges from positive self-representation to strategies of negative presentation of the other and examines its relationship with Peronism and local populism. Through this analysis, we seek to provide a comprehensive understanding of populist political dynamics in Argentina, connecting the past with the present to shed light on the factors that have defined and continue to define the country's political reality.

Argentina, Populism, Peronism, Freedom, Politics, Speech, Govermen, Government,

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How to Cite
Valencia Casa, M. (2024). Milei in Argentina : freedom advances and populism is renewed. El Outsider, 9, 41–59.


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