Appropriation of the Body as a Territory

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Doménica Bernarda Ledesma Muñoz
Mateo Alejandro Fierro Torres
María Emilia Medina Guevara


For a long time, the territoriality of the body has not been an attractive subject of study within the Academy. However, in recent years, this concept has become much more common within the field due to the fact that it has been incorporated to the recognition and defense of women’s rights. The purpose of this academic work is to examine the appropriation of the body as a territory in the context of Ecuador in such a manner that it can be demonstrated that “my body, my territory” is not simply a feminist struggle cry, but also a means of acknowledging the struggles against numerous types of violence suffered by female bodies in various historical, cultural, and religious contexts, among others. This was done in this paper through the critical geopolitics approach and will be exemplified by the rhetorical violence observed within the speeches of President Guillermo Lasso. It was concluded that, despite the feminist geopolitical struggle that exists within Ecuador, there are still those who normalize violence against women and minimize the feminist struggle against the appropriation of female fertile bodies.

Territory, Body, Property, Space, Feminism, Critical Geopolitics,

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How to Cite
Ledesma Muñoz, D. B., Fierro Torres, M. A., & Medina Guevara, M. E. (2023). Appropriation of the Body as a Territory. El Outsider, 8, 63–77.


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