COVID-19 as an International Security Threat

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Gustavo Andrés Villacreses Brito
Bernarda Carrera


After the Cold War, a transition occurred in the international relations paradigm; it was necessary to redefine what was considered a threat to international security. As a result, human security doctrine was estab-lished, and suggested that the international security agenda should fo-cus on people and their needs, rather than the state’s. In the globalized and interrelated world we live nowadays, infectious diseases spread rapidly, and their consequences can be catastrophic. Hence, pandem-ics should be considered as an international security threat. This pa-per aims to examine the COVID-19 pandemic as such. We discuss the change from international security towards human security; health security as a theoretical framework; the evolution of COVID-19 in the context of modern international security paradigm and international health security enforcement; and the securitization of the pandemic. As result, based on the evidence presented, it is clear that COVID-19 has a severe effect on the international community, affecting both human lives and the global economy. Consequently, COVID-19 has been securi-tized; and needs to be internationally addressed to serve as a precedent for future health security threats.

COVID-19, pandemic, international security, human security, health security, securitization, politicization,

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How to Cite
Villacreses Brito, G. A., & Carrera, B. (2021). COVID-19 as an International Security Threat. El Outsider, 6, 93–112.
Author Biography

Gustavo Andrés Villacreses Brito, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ

Ecuadorian. Lawyer y Clinical Psychologist, magna cum laude, by University San Francisco de Quito USFQ (Ecuador). Student of Superior Specialization in Procedural Law, Simon Bolívar Andean University. Minors in Corporate Law, in International Relations and in Sexology. Judicial clerk at Court of Justice of the Andean Community. Editor-in-chief of USFQ Law Review (2019-2020). Editorial Committee  member of USFQ Law Working Papers (2020-present). Teacher assistant of Legal Theory, Fundamental Law Concepts and Antitrust Law at University San Francisco de Quito USFQ (Ecuador). Pro bono facilitator at Fundación Diálogos (Ecuador).

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