The ideological package in the contemporary State. A not so sublime object

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Andrés Márquez Vega


Negative criticism of institutions that are guarantors of the rights of individuals, such as the police, have become common in the global statu quo due to the excessive use of force against civilians. The reiteration and not progressive correction of these behaviors in explicit cases, such as the death of George Floyd by the US police, leads us to question whether these acts are justified through a deeper reason. This article will analyze how the commercial ideology and the legal ideology mechanized the inequalities of the contemporary State that would turn institutions guaranteeing rights, into inefficient means when faced with the management of statu quo conflicts.

State, police, ideology, commercialism, legality, industrialization, institutions, vulnerable groups, intersectionality, migration,

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How to Cite
Márquez Vega, A. (2021). The ideological package in the contemporary State. A not so sublime object. El Outsider, 6, 57–71.


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