NOTES ABOUT THE PREDATION OF A SHINY COWBIRD Molothrus bonariensis (Icteridae) BY A COMMON BOA Boa constrictor (Boidae), IN MANABÍ, ECUADOR


  • Martín Carrera University of Antwerp
  • Claudia Samuelsson
  • Cornelio Williams



Common Boa, Manabí, Predation, Prey Selection, Shiny Cowbird


We present a sightseen of a juvenile Common Boa Boa constrictor preying on an individual of Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis. The event occurred in Manabí, Ecuador and lasted almost two hours since the attack started until the prey was completely swallowed and the Boa started to move. 


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How to Cite

Carrera, M., Samuelsson, C., & Williams, C. (2023). NOTES ABOUT THE PREDATION OF A SHINY COWBIRD Molothrus bonariensis (Icteridae) BY A COMMON BOA Boa constrictor (Boidae), IN MANABÍ, ECUADOR. Revista Ecuatoriana De Ornitología, 8(2), 76–78.