In 2008, Professor Gerald Neuman published an article that sparked debate not only on the relevance of the Inter-American Human Rights System (IHHR) but also on its legitimacy in the region. After nearly 10 years of publishing that article, this paper will review one of the pillars that enabled Professor Neuman to build upon his arguments and that many others had also mentioned: the very low compliance with the Court's decisions and their relationship to the notion of "effectiveness" or "legitimacy" of the Regional Court and its mechanism for interpreting the Convention. The work concludes with the need to explore as a mechanism for interpreting the treaty the search for a regional consensus on the scope and concept of the rights involved in decisions.
viewed = 1269 times
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Comunicados de prensa:
Corte Suprema Argentina (2017). La Corte sostuvo que la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos no puede revocar sentencias del Máximo Tribunal Argentino. 14 de febrero de 2017.