Geothermal Energy in Ecuador: Current Conditions and the Need for a Specific Legislation




This article identifies the need to enact specific legislation to regulate the development of the electricity generation industry, direct industrial uses and heating from the use of geothermal resources. For this purpose, preliminary and introductory concepts that explain the functioning of geothermal energy and its potential in the region will be addressed, which will allow developing an analysis of the current situation of this industry in Ecuador, including the study of the electrical regulatory framework, and the concession procedures contemplated in the Organic Law of the Public Service of Electrical Energy and its regulations. Finally, a brief comparative law analysis will be carried out to determine certain regulatory criteria that should be considered for a Geothermal Energy Law in Ecuador.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Izquierdo Apolo, Pérez Bustamante & Ponce (Ecuador)

Abogado por la PUCE, con un LLM con mención en Derecho Regulatorio por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, asociado en Pérez Bustamante y Ponce, correo electrónico

Jerónimo Carcelén Pacheco, Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría (Chile)

Profesor de Derecho Minero en la Universidad Diego Portales, del Programa de Desarrollo Minero de la Universidad Central, del Magister en Derecho Administrativo Económico de la Universidad Católica de Chile, del Magíster en Derecho Minero y Aguas de la Universidad Finis Terrae y de la Escuela Europea de Negocios. Presidente del Consejo Geotérmico Chileno A.G. (2018-2020). Actualmente cursa un Doctorado en Derecho y es profesor visitante de University of Western Ontario, Canadá. Socio en Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría, correo electrónico



How to Cite

Izquierdo Apolo, C., & Carcelen, J. (2022). Geothermal Energy in Ecuador: Current Conditions and the Need for a Specific Legislation. Iuris Dictio, (29), 16.


