Legal transformation in a digital economy: the Uber case


  • Rossana Lizeth Torres Rivera Independiente



The digital economy represents a new challenge for law on areas such as the regulation of information society services and electronic commerce. The innovative and rapid advance of technology has turned the economy into a very different field with distinctive characteristics from the initial framework in which regulations developed. In this context, the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union in 2017 for the Uber case creates new criteria regarding the legal nature of an electronic collaborative economic platform, the study of which is important to assesing the significance of the ruling.


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Author Biography

Rossana Lizeth Torres Rivera, Independiente

Abogada ecuatoriana, graduada en la USFQ, master en derecho empresarial Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



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How to Cite

Torres Rivera, R. L. (2019). Legal transformation in a digital economy: the Uber case. Iuris Dictio, 24(24), 9.


