The use of extra systemic precedents in the dialogue between the Inter-American Court and the European Court of Human Rights: an empirical investigation


  • Anna Maria Lecis Cocco Ortu
  • Tania Groppi



European Court of Human Rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Judicial Dialogue, Extra-systemic References


The judicial dialogue between the two oldest regional human rights courts, the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, has been studied for several years. However, many of these studies are not based on a large empirical analysis, which could demonstrate the effectiveness of this dialogue. Therefore, this article aims to verify, through empirical and systematic research, some academic conclusions and reflections on the interactions between these two regional courts. The methodology is the same as that applied in other empirical studies on the circulation of foreign precedents among constitutional courts. Only explicit references have been considered.


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Resoluciones y opiniones consultivas:

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How to Cite

Lecis Cocco Ortu, A. M., & Groppi, T. (2018). The use of extra systemic precedents in the dialogue between the Inter-American Court and the European Court of Human Rights: an empirical investigation. Iuris Dictio, (21).


