
We announce to researchers, blind peers, collaborators and to all of our readers that, since July 2023, Iuris Dictio has begun to operate under the continuous publication mode. For this purpose, we have modified the following sections of About the Journal:

4. Frequency of Publication

The journal is bi-anual, with one release on period January-June and one in period July-December. Since 2023, during January and July the first article of each issue is published. In order to lock those dates it is of great importance to follow a strict calendar that will define operative timing. For the same reason authors will be notified on time about evaluation or revision of the papers.

4.1. Publication mode

Iuris Dictio publishes under the continuous flow mode since 2023. The reception of manuscripts is permanent for the Miscellaneous, Translations, Reviews and Interviews sections, while for Dossier there will be two annual calls (for more information, consult the current Call for Papers).