Author Guidelines
General guidelines
- Articles must be original and never published before. Authors will have to identify themselves and indicate their affiliation. In the case they do not have any affiliation they will have to use the definition "independent researcher."
- Articles may be written in Spanish or English, the official languages of the journal.
- Articles must contain between 20,000 and 40,000 characters (without spaces).
- Furthermore, the beginning will include a summary of 750 characters maximum (without spaces, approximately 10 lines) in Spanish and English. Keywords (with a limit of 6) will also have to be indicated in both languages.
Basic style guidelines
- Format: Font Times New Roman, size 12, simple line spacing, no tabs. Margins of the document will be 2.5 cm or 1 inch (top and bottom) and 3 cm or 1.25 inches (left and right).
- Title: The title must be centered. Size 14, bold. It should not exceed 15 words. The name of the author will appear under the title, on the right. The following line will contain the name of the university or institution of affiliation, the city and the country. If you do not have affiliation, you can write "Independent Researcher". In a footnote, a mini-biography should be included, as well as an e-mail and the ORCID ID, if you have one. If there is any funding involved on the research of the article, it must be explained in the same footnote. In the case of co-authorship, the type of participation of each co-author of the article must be stated (defining responsibilities, degree of contribution, division of labor) in a second footnote entitled "Declaration of contribution of each author."
- Summary: A short and attractive description will appear before the body of the text and under the title. The words "summary" and "keywords" will appear in bold. Keywords will be 6, maximum. This part of the text will have justified margins. If you have doubts about the use of keywords, we recommend the following website:
- Body of the text: If necessary, the body of the text will be divided into paragraphs that will be numbered (Arabic numbers), size 12. Titles of paragraphs and sub-paragraphs will be aligned to the left in bold, without a period at the end, and will be separated by a space. All paragraphs in the body need to be separated by one empty line.
- Indentations: the paragraphs in the body of the text are indented except the line after the title, subtitle or citation, which are not indented.
Ideas of Kelsian positivism present
in Bolivian law
María Galindo Paredes
Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador
The present article proposes a series of principles of the philosophical proposal of the jurist Hans Kelsen, adapted to Bolivian regulations. It intends to present an historical overview to reveal how positivism was of great influence in the Bolivian environment, showing some "legal persistences""•borrowing the term used by Carlos Santiago Nino"•also present in other Andean countries.
Positivism, Bolivian Law, Hans Kelsen, Andean Law History.
1. Introduction
Influence of the German positivist school was of great importance everywhere in the world, but mostly in Latin America. In fact"¦
2. Kelsian tradition in Bolivia
It was the great jurist Pedro Suárez who first brought positivist ideas to Bolivia in his Tratactus Legal of 1904, a basic document...
Take, for the example, the Constitution of that country, which in its articles...
2.1. The legal pyramid in the circular territory of the high plateau
The firsttime the Kelsian mandate of mandatory application of the law in the Political Constitution of Peru"¦
Graphics and tables
Graphics and tables will be inserted with the specific option of the word processor used. They will have to be in .jpg or .png format, appear in the body and be centered. Captions will be written in Times New Roman, size 10. Images will have to be Creative Commons (with rights to reproduce) or authors will be responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions.
Footnotes, quotes and bibliographic references
The journal follows the APA format for footnotes, quotes and bibliographical references. It is important to adhere to the following:
- Footnotes will not correspond to bibliographic references, they will appear on the corresponding page and not all together at the end of the document. Simple line spacing will be used, as well as the same font as the text (Times New Roman) in size 10. The footnote anchor will appear in Arabic numerals after the word and before punctuation.
- Footnotes should not contain URLs or other information regarding citations, whether digital or online. All this information should go at the end of the article, in the bibliography. Never in a footnote.
- Short quotes will appear in between quotation marks "" in the text, while longer quotes (more than forty words, approximately three lines) will appear in a separate paragraph, using the same font and in 11 point, with 1.5 cm of indentation. An empty line will be used before and after each quote. Brackets will be used in the case of ellipsis ["¦] (that is, when intentionally omitting part of the quote).
- Bibliographical references will appear in the text, in the order: author, year and page, separated by commas and between parentheses.
"Es la noción de persona del positivismo fundamental ["¦] en el texto penal de ese mismo año" (Montesdeoca, 2000, p. 35).
- When referencing a complete work, only the author and year of publication will appear, not the pages.
La legislación boliviana desde una perspectiva penal ha sido estudiada ya en el pasado (Montesdeoca, 2000).
- When continuously referencing the same work, it will not be necessary to indicate the name of the author.
Es la noción de persona del positivismo fundamental en el texto penal de ese mismo año (Montesdeoca, 2000, p. 35). Justamente, en el artículo 25 aparece la traducción española exacta del texto kelseniano (2000, p. 35)
- In case the same author published more than one work in the same year, texts will have to appear in alphabetical order according to title of chapter and book. The year will be followed by a letter.
Han sido los trabajos realizado a inicios del milenio los que han develado cómo Kelsen se adaptó en la legislación boliviana (Montesdeoca, 2000a, 2000b).
- "Bibliographic references" can only be of quoted texts and will be ordered alphabetically, at the end of the article, using the same font and size as in the body of the text. Second line of the reference should be indented.
- Books: last name of the author, followed by the initials of the name and year of publication in between parenthesis, followed by a period. Place of publication, followed by column and publishing house. In the case of more than one author, publications will be listed by last name and initials of the names of the authors, they will be separated by commas with an "and" before the name of the last author.
Petit, E. (2000). Tratado elemental de Derecho Romano. Barcelona: Paidós.
Benhaviv, S. (2005). El Derecho de los Otros. Madrid: Castalia, vol. II.
Alessandri, A., Somarriva M., y Vodanovic A. (1994). Tratado de los derechos reales. Santiago: Editorial Jurídica
de Chile.
- Articles and chapters in collective books: the last name of the author, followed by the initial of the first name and the year of publication in between parenthesis, followed by a period. The title of the chapter will not use bold or italics and will be followed by a period. "In" followed by initials of the first name and the full last name of the authors, followed by (Eds.) The title of the book will go in italics, the page of the chapter in between parenthesis, followed by a period. The last information will be the place of publication followed by a colon, and the publishing house.
Corral, F. (2016). Las palabras de la Ley. In D. Falconí Trávez (ed.). A medio camino. Intertextos entre la
literatura y el derecho (pp. 397-411). Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
- Articles of periodicals: The last name and initial of the first name, followed by year of publication in between parenthesis. The title of the article will not use bold or italics, and will be followed by a period. The title of the publication is in italics, followed by a comma, then the volume, number and pages of the publication.
Torres, L. F. (2013). El activismo judicial en la era constitucional. Revista Iuris Dictio, 15 (13), 65-80.
- Web publication: online texts follow the same rules as printed texts, but they need to include the url.
Zapatero, J. L. (2015). El expediente judicial electrónico. Justicia Electrónica. <
- Rulings: The name of the court or organism that made the ruling, followed by the year in parenthesis. The name of the ruling (in cursive). Date of the ruling. Number of the ruling. All rulings must be listed under an underlined subtitle that states "Rulings", within the bibliographic references.
IACHR (2015). Marcel Granier and Other vs. Venezuela. Preliminary Exceptions, Background, Reparations and
Costs. Ruling 22 June 2015. Serie C No. 293.
ECHR (2012). B.S. vs. Spain. No. 47159/08. Ruling 24 July 2012.
- Conventions, treaties and conferences: the name of the sanctioning organism, followed by the year of ratification/conclusion (in cursive). The name of the document (in cursive) and, if necessary, after the colon, its acronym. Date of adoption. All documents should be listed under an underlined subtitle called "Conventions, treaties and conferences", within the bibliographic references.
UN (1965). International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Descrimination: CERD. Adopted by
the General Assebly on 21 December 1965.
- Observations, opinions, recommendations and reports: name of the sactioning organism, followed by the year of ratification/conclusion (in cursive). If necessary, the name of the department or section. The name of the document. The date of adoption. All documents should be listed under an underlined subtitle called "Obsevations, opinions, recommendations and reports", within the bibliographic references.
UN (1989). Human Rights Committee. General Observation No. 18. No discrimination. 10 November 1989.
IACHR (2003). Advisory Opinion AO-18/03 on 17 September 2003. Serie A No. 18.