The Legislative body: a true space for national representation?

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María Bernarda Carpio


Democracy comes as the ideal regime of popular representation, thus the legislature is constituted as a suitable mechanism to reflect the popular will. Therefore, since this is a multi-person power, it allows the representation of minority power groups through debate and discussion, in which various social interests are reflected. However, in the presence of an absolute majority in the Assembly, the possibility of discussion is reduced and generates the inability of parliamentary minorities to be effectively represented. In this sense, it is important to question until what extent the legislature fulfills its primary function of popular representation, when there exists an absolute majority in the Assembly. To answer this question, first it will be discussed the nature of the legislative function within a democratic system; then the existence of a link between the system of proportional representation and the results obtained; and finally it will be study the consequences of the presence of an absolute majority in the representativeness of the Assembly.

Democracy, popular will, proportional representation, legislature, separation of powers, absolute majority, D'Hondt method,

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How to Cite
Carpio, M. B. (2015). The Legislative body: a true space for national representation?. El Outsider, 3, 23–29.
Author Biography

María Bernarda Carpio, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Colegio de Jurisprudencia JUR Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica, Quito, Ecuador


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