Potentialities and limitations in the construction of a sovereign international cooperation policy in Ecuador (2007-2013)

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Bruno Ayllón


The rise to power of Rafael Correa in 2007 started a new period in the political and economic reality of Ecuador: the Citizen Revolution. Changes in the planning process - its main focus being the recovery of the State’s regulatory capacity as well as the development of Nationals Plans for Good Living (PNBV) - must be added to the transformations of the legal system. Besides, a turn in the foreign policy was implemented. Foreign cooperation was reviewed and a process of building up a public policy was initiated to drive South - South Cooperation.

Good Living, Citizen Revolution, South - South Cooperation, International Cooperation,

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How to Cite
Ayllón, B. (2014). Potentialities and limitations in the construction of a sovereign international cooperation policy in Ecuador (2007-2013). El Outsider, 2, 28–32. https://doi.org/10.18272/eo.v2i2.208
Author Biography

Bruno Ayllón, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Docente e investigador PROMETEO en la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales “José Peralta”, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN).


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