France for the French: European populism

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Jhonny Paúl Alcívar


Given the failure of the political class and the unpopularity of the European Union, plunged into crisis, the populist parties in Europe have received increasing popular acceptance by collecting the people’s demands with an anti-system, nationalist and anti-globalization discourse. The French National Front (Front National, in French), a far-right political movement led by Marine Le Pen, is a visible example of European populism is at its best, even surpassing the traditional parties in popular support. The reinforcing National Front, along with popular abstention, reflects the discontent of the French and the Europeans towards Brussels and its model, thereby undermining integration.

European Union, populism, France, National Front, globalization, Marine Le Pen, European elections,

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How to Cite
Alcívar, J. P. (2014). France for the French: European populism. El Outsider, 2, 6–9.
Author Biography

Jhonny Paúl Alcívar, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Colegio de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades COCISOH Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica, Quito, Ecuador


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