A historical look at the vice presidency and its new challenges

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Jorge Goetschel


The Vice President of the Republic is a paid conspirator." (Velasco Ibarra, 1968)

From 1996 to 2006, Ecuador suffered a serious crisis of instability, especially in the executive branch. During this decade, six presidents passed through Carondelet, three of which were succeeded by their respective vice presidents.

president, Ecuador,

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How to Cite
Goetschel, J. (2013). A historical look at the vice presidency and its new challenges. El Outsider, 1, 13–14. https://doi.org/10.18272/eo.v1i1.200
Author Biography

Jorge Goetschel, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Diego de Robles y Vía Interoceánica


Constitución. (1978). Ecuador.

Coello, S. (2003). Presidente-Vicepresidente, una relación siempre difícil. El Universo.

Gallup, C. (2010). Cedatos. Recuperado el 13 de Febrero de 2013, de http://www.cedatos.com.ec/detalles_noticia.php?ld=15

Comisión de la Verdad. (2010). Caso de los comandos militares participantes del Taurazo.