Social movements: social awareness and collective action

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Sofía Vallejo


Social movements represent the acquisition of common identities within groups that share aspirations and seek to claim popular causes. From different theoretical perspectives, it is analyzed how the mobilization of these movements occur both based on the collective historical memory of the people, as well as the conditions of the political environment in which said collective is found. The opposition between the social conscience as the recognition of the individual/collective reality and the wounded narcissism of the ruling classes that see the protest as a threat is introduced. Likewise, collective action is defined considering the way in which it can become contentious based on the impossibility of the collective to find institutionalized channels that legitimize and listen to their demands.

social movement, social conscience, collective action, social protest,

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How to Cite
Vallejo, S. (2020). Social movements: social awareness and collective action. El Outsider, 5, 59–70.


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