How can the United States counter China's claims in the South China Sea?

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David Revelo


Over the past decade, tensions between the United States and the People’s Republic of China have increased due to China’s intensified aggression and expansion in the South China Sea. The tensions between the two countries are the result of the Chinese military campaign in the South China Sea, which aims to establish its territorial claims over a large percentage of the region, including the sovereign territories of other countries. These tensions have inevitably generated uncertainty and fear in the international community because of the possibility of a direct conflict between the two countries in the future. Considering the global economic, commercial, and strategic importance of the South China Sea, the United States wants to support its regional allies to keep their legal territories unaffected, peacefully resolve disputes, and preserve the norms of international law in this area. A direct confrontation between the United States and the People’s Republic of China could cause long-term instability in the region and heightened danger to the world at-large. Given the situation’s inherent tension and possibility for conflict, it is important to analyze the best options for the United States to counter China’s territorial and maritime claims in the South China Sea. Consequently, in this text the author examines a range of options involving a direct military conflict, a containment strategy, and an offset strategy.

United States, People's Republic of China, South China Sea, tensions, conflict, containment strategy, offset strategy,

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How to Cite
Revelo, D. (2021). How can the United States counter China’s claims in the South China Sea?. El Outsider, 6, 73–89.


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