Presentation of the XL Edition
2014 will be remembered as a signicant year for the Community of The-
oretical Chemists of Latin Expression, because the QUITEL congress
is held in Ecuador for the rst time. In order to celebrate the incor-
poration of Ecuador to the QUITEL hystory, the ecuadorian Local Or-
ganizing Committee has chosen San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos
Archipelago to host the XL Edtion of the Congress. We hope that all
the attendees of QUITEL2014 will have fruitful scientic discussions
while enjoying the natural beauties of the so-called enchanted islands.
We would like to thank all the members of the QUITEL community
for the great number of contributions submitted to be presented in the
current edition. We have selected the best papers to guarantee the high
standards that characterize the scientic program of the QUITEL con-
On behalf of the organizing commitee
F. Javier Torres, Ph.D.
Director of Computational and Theoretical Group
San Francisco de Quito University