Researches, projects, experiences, in short, all the stories that are sought from journalism have a space for discussion in this monographic serie. #PerDebate solicits and publishes articles of both empirical and theoretical research, as well as conceptual reflection on professional and creative practices, in all areas related to journalism. The topics range from the analysis of media, media products, technological innovations for information and data management, audience interaction in the digital age, new platforms and journalistic initiatives, among others.

This publication includes papers and proposals related to the central theme of the VIII International Congress "Periodismo en Debate" that took place in three days from November 15 to 17, 2018. The main theme of the event was: "Post Data: Journalism in times of fake news, infoxication, uncertainty and violence", with a special emphasis on the fight against "fake news" and border journalism.

This congress responded to the need to renew public confidence in the data published in the exercise of journalism in general, in particular in data journalism, scientific journalism, and in the promotion of professional practices such as data journalism and the "fact-checking". After the drama of the kidnapping and murder of El Comercio journalistic team, we organized a day of reflection on the challenges and difficulties of border journalism, a topic that is incorporated in this third edition of #PerDebate.


Published: 2019-11-15