Migration and Ecuadorian media: Analysis of immigrant representations in podcasts between 2020-2021

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Joaquin Antonio Garcia Torres


This publication presents the results of an investigation on immigration narratives as presented in 18 podcasts published during 2020 and 2021, from three Ecuadorian media outlets. Through a qualitative study it was evident that these narratives lack depth, present stigmatizing elements, and that most podcasts in Ecuador are not used as innovate instruments for journalism.

migration, mass media, information flow, discourse, radio production, podcast,

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How to Cite
Garcia Torres, J. A. (2022). Migration and Ecuadorian media: Analysis of immigrant representations in podcasts between 2020-2021. #PerDebate, 6(1), 96–121. https://doi.org/10.18272/pd.v6i1.2718


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