The eternal scream giving birth and publishing is giving the world the fruit of our entrails

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Gabriela Verdezoto


Motherhood is a vortex. It is a gateway to another identity. "˜Maternar"™ is a verb that is conjugated from the day we give birth until we die. It is a path of no return, an eternal bondage; that cry that will last a lifetime. The objective of this article is to show how in daily life, the experience of motherhood influences each of our actions, decisions, desires and, to try to reflect on how to continue to be a journalist like this: is it possible to report and motherhood? Being a mother comes with sacrifices and joys; she demands to dedicate a large part of our time to it. There are no schedules. More than a job, it is a vice, an obsession. It is putting the focus on the other, always on the other. Being a journalist is the same. It is also an identity, a path of no return, an eternal bond; it is a state from which you cannot return, like motherhood. This text is an unfinished chronicle of the attempt to reconcile the two facets. Being a literary essay, it is difficult to conform to the academic article. The methodology is one's own experience and the treacherous risk, sometimes celebrated, sometimes unsuccessful, of making these two activities coincide. The conclusions are still in process like the life of its author, from journalist to mother and vice versa, every day. It is possible to do it, but there are days that not and, others, that yes.

maternity, journalism, gender, chronicle, female work,

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How to Cite
Verdezoto, G. (2021). The eternal scream: giving birth and publishing is giving the world the fruit of our entrails. #PerDebate, 5(1), 30–47.