Prevalencia De Fracturas Faciales Atendidas En El Servicio De Cirugía Maxilofacial Del Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín HCAM Entre Los Años 2013 Y 2018

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Juan Diego Salazar Erazo


The trauma is defined as a physical injury generated by the application of an external force, against the human body, inside this is the facial trauma is considered one of the most frequently treated pathologies in the oral and maxillofacial surgery departments, representing these the most of the patients who have suffered some type of traumatism making this a transcendental problem for public health. Facial injuries are traumatisms that rarely become fatal, but they are considered complicated due to their proximity to important anatomical structures, which can be affected by trauma in the first place, leaving sequels that are sometimes impossible to solve.

The objective of this study is to establish the frequency of facial mass fractures as well as their etiology and relationship with age, gender, frequency, anatomical location in patients treated in the maxillofacial service of the Carlos Andrade Marín hospital, in order to provide real and updated statistical information based on the magnitude, nature, causes and management of facial fractures in the regional area and thus provide a better perception of maxillofacial trauma and its origin and thus help preventive and therapeutic measures.

A total of 432 patients suffered maxillofacial injuries of which the majority occurred between the third and fourth decade of life with a ratio of 9: 1 between men and women, the most common cause being physical aggression (28.50%) followed by motorcycle accidents (22.20%). The most frequent bill was the mandible with 32.4% followed by fractures of the maxillary zygomatic orbital complex with 28.5% and fractures of the orbital floor (14.1%).

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How to Cite
Salazar Erazo, J. D. (2019). Prevalencia De Fracturas Faciales Atendidas En El Servicio De Cirugía Maxilofacial Del Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín HCAM Entre Los Años 2013 Y 2018. OdontoInvestigación, 5(2).