Influence of monkeypox on Spanish fact-checkers: Analysis of their activity on Facebook

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Javier Abuín-Penas


This article analyzes the publication and interaction dynamics of fact-checkers on Facebook during the crisis caused by monkeypox in Spain. For this, a quantitative analysis of a total of 2,740 publications issued by the 4 Spanish fact-checkers is carried out. The results show that monkeypox has barely had an impact on the activity or interaction received by the Spanish fact-checkers in their verifications.

fact-checking, social media, Facebook, health crisis, online communication,

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How to Cite
Abuín-Penas, J. (2023). Influence of monkeypox on Spanish fact-checkers: Analysis of their activity on Facebook. #PerDebate, 7(1), 58–76.


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