To confront darkness under Arendt"™s light

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Anamaría Garzón Mantilla


Hannah Arend´s thought is rabidly contemporary. In front of the darkness of our times, Arendt gives us tools to think about totalitarianism, the banal repetitions that perpetuate injustice and the importance of language. This is a brief reflection about the fundamental ideas of the German philosopher who, read from the journalism, gives us keys to understand the importance of questioning the powers, evil operators and hate speeches.

Violence, totalitarianism, xenophobia, language, power,

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How to Cite
Garzón Mantilla, A. (2018). To confront darkness under Arendt"™s light. #PerDebate, 2(1), 118–127.
Author Biography

Anamaría Garzón Mantilla, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ.

Profesora del Colegio de Comunicación y Artes Contemporáneas COCOA de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ.


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