Analysing the effect of the application of constructive journalism on the mindset and behaviour of journalists in traditional media

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Andrea Grijalva


Journalism has portrayed the world with a "distorted lens," focusing on problems rather than prioritizing a balanced perspective that includes solutions. Constructive journalism developed in response to this situation, and journalists and the media have implemented it. This paper analyses how the minds and routines of professionals have changed after moving from a traditional perspective to a constructive one, where journalistic values have been strengthened.

constructive journalism, journalism of solutions, journalistic values, function of journalism,

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How to Cite
Grijalva, A. (2018). Analysing the effect of the application of constructive journalism on the mindset and behaviour of journalists in traditional media. #PerDebate, 2(1), 82–115.
Author Biography

Andrea Grijalva, Diario La Hora

Redactora judicial en el diario La Hora


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